Love is in the air for Prakash Raj all over again! The renowned kannada-telugu actor producer, is in love with choreographer Pony Varma. Pony who is a choreographer by profession, has worked for various Bollywood movies such as Garam Masala, Bhool Bhulaiya and Hulchul.
Prakash Raj who has recently remade the film Abhiyum Naanum in Kannada and directed it held an exclusive screening of this film for the media. Pony Verma was also present at the event by Prakash’s side.
When Prakash Raj was questioned about his relationship with Pony Varma, he said, “I have not done any thing that should not be done. I have got my divorce. Again romance has blossomed in my life. There is nothing wrong in me coming with her.” According to the closer sources, the duo is very much in love and has planned to get married on June 24.
Prakash Raj was previously married to Lalitha Kumari and recently got divorced in an out of the court settlement in 2009. The actor reaffirms that his daughters Meghana and Pooja from his earlier marriage, will always remain special to him.
Prakash Raj And Pony Verma Wedding on
Posted by My Cine World on 6:08 AM //